Notice to Customers
Due to our lack of rain and increased water demand on the District’s water plant facilities and WHCRWA’s water plant facilities, Harris County Utility District No. 165 (the “District”) has implemented their Drought Contingency and Water Conservation Plan.
Stage I – Mild Drought
Stage 1 voluntary water restrictions are as follows:
All outdoor water usage, including but not limited to lawn and garden watering, car washing and window washing should be allowed as follows:
- Water Customers with Even Numbered Address may use water outdoors on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between the hours of 10 pm on the designated watering day and 6 am on the following day.
- Water Customers with Odd Numbered Address may use water outdoors on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday between the hours of 10 pm on the designated watering day and 6 am on the following day.
- Water Customers where no street address exists or the common areas may use water outdoors on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between the hours of 10 pm on the designated watering day and 6 am on the following day.
The Board of Directors appreciates your cooperation and perseverance during this Stage 1 – Moderate Water Shortage. We will notify you if the Stage 2 – Severe Drought measures are required.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact H2O Consulting at 281-861-6215, or visit Harris County MUD No. 165 webpage at